Cher, incentive structures and our inevitable doom
Cher is on the CD in the lovely Arcadian café I am sitting in. “Do you believe?”, she is asking me And then she sings the magic words “I really don’t think...
View ArticleDid you exchange a walk on part in the war…
for the lead role in a cage. Yeah. Probably I did. Didn't you? Didn't we all? Or most of us at least. Somewhere between the Scylla of egomania/unfettered narcissism and the Charybdis of slave...
View ArticleNeologism of the decade: nihiliberalism
(or should that be nihilogism of the decade?) There's this and this bit of an interview with the late Mark Fisher. "Now we are faced with nihiliberalism rather than neoliberalism. The phrases...
View ArticleMartin Luther King –“Perhaps we shall not overcome after all.” (#satire)
"Our Dumb Century" by the folks at The Onion is a staggering satirical achievement. Lots more to say, but this fits my current mood (see the Cher, incentive structures and our inevitable doom post etc)
View ArticleBook Review 8/42: Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi (or “Am I shallow for...
So I have a list of 42 books I am supposed to read before ("buying others" - yeah, good luck with that). And I absolutely have not read two Jack Reacher novels in the midst of this. Absolutely not. Now...
View ArticleMSA, CCS, EU, NER300, OMFG. #LootingTheIvoryTower
I don't do enough Looting of the Ivory Tower (though see here). I really should be doing a minimum of one article looted per day. I'd be less likely to flunk Chomsky's mirror test. Hey ho. Really,...
View ArticleFunfair mirrors and the strength to see?
Boff. There is that line in the film "Bull Durham" - let me google that for me - "The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness." Stuff has been going on of late (I have reasons...
View ArticleHypocrites, Zealots and (in)activists – a cartoon (and inevitably unhelpful...
I asked my brilliant friend Marc Roberts if there were a cartoon in this blog post, and this is what he came up with. It is in the latest issue of Ethical Consumer Magazine, and it is genius, I am sure...
View Article“Isn’t it entropic, I really do think”– or “How Groups Zombify, and what, in...
If you are Really Damn Old you may recognise the song lyric reference in the first half of the title. "Whatever," as the young people used to say. "How Groups Zombify" - HGZ, as we will call it, (but...
View ArticleElephants don’t tapdance. And they don’t even do elephant-y things any more....
Take it as a given that elephants don't tap dance. (They are super smart, and we are a horrible horrible species, busy exterminating them, but you knew thtis). Elephants don't even jump - because, why...
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